Tuesday, October 9, 2012

LOAD1012 - Day 8 - PROFILE pictures

The prompt for Lain Ehmann's Layout a Day (LOAD1012 - S.H.O. Time) challenge for Day 8 was to use the following sketch from Becky Fleck’s Page Maps for inspiration:

My Page:

Journaling Reads:

Facebook is still your happy place

3/10 /12 - The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. -Walt Disney
3/22/12 - Smile to change the world! Don't let the world change your smile :)
7/26/12 - If you don't know where you’re going, you'll end up some place else. -Yogi Berra
8/16/12 - Even if you're having a bad day, it's always okay to smile!
8/31/12 - Sometimes in life, things don't go the best, you just have to get a better perspective.
9/16/12 - Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... Learn from it. -Rafiki, from The Lion King
10/1/12 - Don't think, and don't worry. If the time comes, you'll know what to do. -Mrs. Incredible

Some observations about the process and products:

  1. I listened to the Pat Benetar station on Pandora.  Pandora asked me twice if I was still listening, which is a good indication that I did NOT complete this page in a half hour.  IS that really possible on a regular basis??
  2. This is my daughter, at age 16, with a couple of her Facebook profile pictures along with a number of her status updates.  I am so blessed to have this girl as my daughter.
  3. Based on the sketch, the photo collage should be roughly 6x6 ish.  That's the size I requested and saved in Picasa, however that sizing was lost in translation when I sent it to the printer.  So, I just worked with the size that came out.
  4. Have you ever stolen an element from a previous, completed layout?  I took the "E" in the word profile off another layout I created a couple of years ago.  The acrylic letter packet didn't have a grey E, it only had a black striped E.  So, I swapped out the grey E from another layout with the black E so that I could use the grey E on THIS page. 
  5. I love love love the grey, white, black, yellow combo right now.  I've been loving it all summer.
  6. Using my daughter's Facebook statuses is one way of getting other people to journal for you!  Works for me!!!

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