Tuesday, July 28, 2009

WOW! It's been nearly TWO months since I posted anything here!! That's not to say I haven't been scrapping/papercrafting, though. Although, really, in the last month, I haven't scrapped very much.

In June, though, I made all of these birthday cards using scraps from this project and this project, (both of which used the same patterned paper kit).
What was brilliant about this was, instead of cleaning up my scraps and trying to store them for future use (only to never use them again), I actually used up ALL of my scraps from those two projects to make these cards, and because the papers all coordinated, the cards came together in about 45 minutes. Sweet!
I'll definitely do this again. Especially since I have already USED all of the cards that I made here and am in need of some more. These also could have been bundled and tied with a ribbon and given as a gift.
Oh, the possibilities!

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