Sunday, May 13, 2012

LOAD512 - Day 12 - Happy Birthday Megan and Jordyn

The prompt for Lain Ehmann's Layout a Day (LOAD512) challenge for Day 12: Dumpster Diving, Find inspiration in the trash!

This prompt was EASY for me. I don't throw much away. When Lain suggested using ribbon scraps for a little collage, guess what I did? I went to my ribbon scraps bin (yes, it's even labeled "ribbon scraps" !) and I created a little ribbon collage!! Love it!

Journaling Reads:

You and your BFF, Megan, both have December birthdays. You also share the same circle of friends.  When you went to Megan's birthday party, you were delighted to see that she had included your name on the cake and shared the birthday spotlight. Such kind girls. 12/13/10

Some observations about the process and products:

  1. Loved the dumpster diving!  This is why I don't throw things away.
  2. Photo credit - I don't know....I wasn't even at the party, I downloaded all of these from Jordyn's Facebook page.  Thank you Facebook!
  3. The photo of the cake is serving as my TITLE on this page.  It's a little like cheating, but I think it works.

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